Code of Ethics & Professional Conduct
Always be patient and courteous.
Hospitality is always our #1 Goal, but that does not apply only to our customers and guests. It also applies to our fellow team members and every person we meet on a day to day basis. Lend a helping hand where you can and make everyone’s day a little brighter.
Be inclusive.
We welcome and support people of all backgrounds and identities. This includes, but is not limited to members of any sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, race, ethnicity, culture, national origin, social and economic class, educational level, color, immigration status, sex, age, size, family status, political belief, religion, and mental and physical ability.
Be considerate.
We all depend on each other to produce the best work we can as a company. Your decisions will affect clients and colleagues, and you should take those consequences into account when making decisions.
Be respectful.
We will not all agree all the time, but disagreements are no excuse for disrespectful behavior. We will all experience frustration from time to time, but we cannot allow that frustration become personal attacks. An environment where people feel uncomfortable or threatened is not a productive or creative one.
Choose your words carefully.
Always conduct yourself professionally. Be kind to others. Do not insult or put down others. Harassment and exclusionary behavior are not acceptable. This includes, but is not limited to:
Threats of violence. ï‚·
Discriminatory jokes and language. ï‚·
Sharing sexually explicit or violent material via electronic devices or other means. ï‚·
Personal insults, especially those using racist or sexist terms. ï‚·
Unwelcome sexual attention. ï‚·
Advocating for, or encouraging, any of the above behavior.
Repeated harassment of others.
In general, if someone asks you to stop something, then stop. When we disagree, try to understand why. Differences of opinion and disagreements are mostly unavoidable. What is important is that we resolve disagreements and differing views constructively.
Justice for All.
We do not act in a way that exploits others, their hard work, or their mistakes. Make sure to give everyone equal opportunity and speak up when someone else does not. When exercising authority, be fair. Do not show favoritism toward specific employees and be transparent when you decide to praise or reward an employee. Be just toward customers or vendors, as well. If you think our company was in the wrong in a specific instance, do not try to cover it up or accuse the other side. Discuss with your manager to find solutions that can benefit both sides.
Be Lawful.
We are obliged to follow all laws which apply to our organization.You must not expose, disclose, or endanger information of customers, employees, stakeholders, or our business. Always follow the cybersecurity policy and PCI trainings. We follow all laws regarding fraud, bribery, corruption, and any kind of assault. We are also obliged to follow laws on forced labor and child labor. We avoid doing business with any unlawful organizations or organizations that knowingly commit unlawful acts.
Be Accountable.
We all need to put a healthy amount of effort in our work. Not just because we are all responsible for the organization’s success, but because it affects our colleagues. Incomplete work might hinder other people’s work or cause them to shoulder the burden themselves. This comes in direct conflict with our principles of respect and integrity. You are responsible for your own opportunities for learning and development, either on-the-job or via educational material or training. If you are unsure how you can achieve this, have an open discussion with your manager.
Our differences can be our strengths.
We can find strength in diversity. Different people have different perspectives on issues, and that can be valuable for solving problems or generating new ideas. Being unable to understand why someone holds a viewpoint does not mean that they are wrong. Do not forget that we all make mistakes and blaming each other does not get us anywhere. Instead, focus on resolving issues and learning from mistakes.
Tel: 903-643-9171
Toll Free: 800-888-4678
P.O. Box 8931
Longview, TX 75607